Terms & Conditions

last updated: 18 June 2024


The following definitions shall apply for these Terms and Conditions:

  1. Reservation: Refers to the booking made by participant to join the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.

  2. Deposit: means the amount paid to secure the reservation for in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.

  3. Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday: Signifies the cycling event organized by J. Verkuijl, a Dutch company (registration number/KVK: 55684068), and Damorenia, a Spanish company (registration number/CB: E57626657)

  4. Accommodation: Represents the lodging facility where you will be housed during the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.

  5. Organizer: Refers to Verkuijl and Damorenia collectively, denoted by terms such as "We," "Us," "Our," "Organizer," or "Staff."

  6. Participant: Encompasses the individual named on the reservation who will partake in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.


  1. To participate in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday, you must be at least 18 years old on the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday start date.

  2. The staff of the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday reserve the right to prohibit or request the immediate termination of participation for anyone if they believe:

    1. The individual has violated any relevant conditions, directions, instructions, decisions, or laws.

    2. The person's behavior poses a safety risk, may damage the environment, cause offense, present a risk to health and safety, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate for the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday or accommodation. 

    3. The person is unfit to participate due to excessive alcohol or drugs consumption. Participants assume full responsibility for their alcohol and drugs consumption at the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.

    4. The person is unfit to participate due to injury or illness. 

    5. The person displays excessive, noisy, or inappropriate behavior towards other participants, staff, or residents.

  3. If asked to terminate participation, you must promptly return any items provided by us to our staff member.

  4. We assume no responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage to any property that you bring to the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday. The safety of your belongings is solely your responsibility. 

  5. You acknowledge that participation in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday may involve strenuous physical exercise and other factors carrying personal risks. You fully understand and accept that:

    1. Strenuous physical activity during the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday may require extended periods, including exposure to inclement and/or very hot weather.

    2. The Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday is conducted on public roads where hazards are expected.

  6.  Do not participate in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday rides unless medically able and properly trained. It is your responsibility to monitor your physical condition throughout the event. You warrant to us that at the start of the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday, you will be in good health and proper physical condition to safely participate. We are in no way liable for any health of safety related issues that may arise during your participation.

  7. You consent to medical care and transportation for treatment in case of injury, waiving liability for medical treatment and transportation provided in emergencies. You acknowledge it is your responsibility to arrange insurance coverage for the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.

  8. You acknowledge and agree:

    1.  Adherence to the Rules and all instructions given by our staff is mandatory.

    2.  Compliance with all applicable local laws during the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday is required.

    3.  Wearing a cycling helmet is mandatory during rides.

    4.  the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday outdoor nature may expose you to varied or adverse weather conditions; prepare accordingly.

    5.  Offering assistance to any participants in need of medical attention and promptly notifying our staff is your responsibility.


  1.  Your Reservation does not include the following items:

    1. Insurance Coverage: Travel insurance or any other insurance for your possessions brought on your trip, participation in activities, or personal public liability coverage.

    2. Travel Arrangements: Any expenses related to flights, baggage, or meals

    3. Travel Documentation: The expenses incurred for obtaining necessary visas, passports, or other travel authorizations.


  1. The Participant's eligibility to join the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling is contingent upon the receipt of the full Fee. Payment is not considered received until the organizer has received cleared funds. 

  2. To reserve your reservation, a €500 deposit is required. In case the reservation is made within 4 weeks of the start date of the camp  and/or holiday, the entire reservation amount is due. Once confirmed, the reservation deposit and any additional charges paid are non-refundable in case of cancellation, except in circumstances specified in clause 6 or as mandated by law.

  3. The remaining balance is to be paid 4 weeks before the start date of the camp and/or holiday. Failure to do so gives us the right to treat your Booking as canceled.

  4. You affirm that the email address and personal details provided to us are accurate, correct, and up to date.


We retain the right to make any necessary amendments to the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday to facilitate its execution. Any modifications to the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday will be communicated to you during the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday or earlier if possible.

  1. If the Hotel, initially advertised at a specific location, undergoes a change, you acknowledge and confirm your acceptance of such alterations to the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday. Your booking is non-cancellable and non-refundable due to any changes to the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday location.

  2. In the event of a change to the initially advertised Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday Dates at the time of your Booking submission, we will inform you in writing. You will be assured a reserved spot in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday on the revised dates. If you accept these new dates, you are responsible for all associated costs, including travel and accommodation. If you are unable to attend the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday on the new dates or choose not to accept them, you may receive a full refund of the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday Fee including the deposit. We explicitly disclaim responsibility for any travel-related expenses or other losses incurred due to changes in Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday Dates.


  1. Whenever feasible, we will provide written notice of cancellation to the email address we have on record for you. If email notice is impractical due to time constraints, we will make reasonable efforts to utilize alternative methods of notification, such as phone calls, text messages, and updates to our website. 

  2. We retain the right to cancel the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday in the event of circumstances beyond our reasonable control that impact the safety and security of participants or our ability to conduct the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, war, civil or political unrest, terrorism, or adverse weather conditions. 

  3. In the event of Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday cancellation, you may be eligible for either a refund or an alternative Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday if one is available. If you choose this option, the terms and conditions of your Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday remain unchanged, and these Conditions continue to apply to your reservation. We expressly disclaim any responsibility for travel or associated expenses under any circumstances.

  4. Should you decide to cancel your reservation, prompt communication with us is imperative. In order to cover the expenses associated with processing your cancellation and to account for the risk of potential non-resale of your arrangements, a cancellation charge will be applied based on the following scale. You are obligated to pay this charge according to the following terms:

    1. More than 4 weeks before arrival: Deposit only (500 euros).

    2. Less than 4 weeks: 75% of total reservation fee.

  5. It is not possible to postpone or reschedule your participation in the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday for alternative dates. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday, no refunds will be issued for the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday Fee, any booking fees, or any other costs incurred (such as travel expenses) in connection with your participation to the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday.

  6. In case Robic Cycling advices you to join the Cycling Holiday instead of the Cycling Camp you are eligible for a refund of the paid deposit. An administration fee and payment fee will be deducted.


When providing our services, we process your personal data. To inform you how we handle your personal data, we have drawn up this privacy statement.

  1. If you use our services, you provide us with your personal data in order to provide you with these services. This can be done, for example, during a conversation, via our website, via email, telephone, video calling or in any other way.

We processes the following categories of personal data:

    1.     Name and address details

    2.     Contact information, such as email address and phone numbers

    3.      Content of communication

    4.    IP address

  1. We processes this personal data for various purposes, such as:

    1.       Maintaining contact;

    2.      A good and efficient service

    3.       Management of the client base;

    4.      Performing administrative actions, such as planning;

    5.       Improvement of services;

    6.       Reporting and analyzing for accountability to clients and the improvement of services;

    7.      Invoicing;

    8.      Marketing;

    9.        Compliance with legal obligations;

    10.        Conducting disputes;

  2. Your personal data will be processed to implement the agreement with you with regard to your interest / booking of the Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday. Your personal data may also be processed in order to comply with a legal obligation, such as obligations based on tax law.

We also process personal data for the legitimate interests listed below:

    1.       The improvement of services;

    2.      The protection of financial interests;

    3.       Security and management of its systems;

 If personal data are processed on the basis of consent, this will be requested separately.

  1. In the context of our services, personal data may be provided to third parties. For the aforementioned purposes, services of third parties can be used, such as our IT suppliers, test agencies or other third parties that are involved. These third parties may also only process your personal data for the aforementioned purposes. Your personal data may also be provided in the context of a legal obligation or court order.

We will not provide your data for commercial or charitable purposes.

  1. The EEA is the European Economic Area, consisting of the countries of the European Union, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland. Your data may be stored by third parties outside the EU when using Google Analytics, LinkedIn or Facebook in contact with you. These parties are "EU-US Privacy Shield" certified, so they will comply with European privacy regulations.

  2. Your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary for the purposes mentioned in this privacy statement. This means that your personal data will be kept for as long as they are necessary to achieve the relevant purposes. Certain data must be kept longer, because we have to comply with statutory retention obligations, such as the fiscal retention obligation.

  3. Cookies are used on the website to improve the online service. Cookies process your IP address and the system information of your device. For more information about these cookies, please consult our cookie statement.

  4. You have the right to request us to inspect your personal data. After receiving your request, you will receive an overview of your personal data within 1 month. If this reveals inaccuracies, you can request that your data be adjusted, supplemented, deleted or blocked. You can also request us to transfer your personal data  or you can object to the processing of your personal data due to special personal circumstances.

  5.  Questions about this privacy statement or a request about the processing of your personal data can be sent to:

Cycling Fanatics

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, please let us know. If you cannot reach an agreement with us, you have the right to file a complaint with the privacy supervisor, the Dutch Data Protection Authority . You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this.

  1. This privacy statement can be adjusted by us. New versions are always published on the website .We therefore recommend that you consult this statement regularly so that you are kept informed of changes.


  1. The Cycling Camp and/or Cycling Holiday will be documented through recordings, videos, photographs, and other media. By participating, you consent to the publication of these photographs, videos, recordings, and/or likenesses of you (whether edited, adapted, modified, or copied), with their use by us and those authorized by us. This consent is provided without prior notice or compensation, allowing us to utilize these materials in any manner we deem appropriate, both now and in the future.

  2. You acknowledge and accept that we possess the complete right to sell and/or profit from the commercial utilization of the aforementioned photographs, motion pictures, recordings, and/or likenesses of you.


  1. These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Dutch law, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

  2. Both you and Cycling Fanatics commit to resolving any claims related to these terms through conclusive and binding arbitration.

  3. In cases where the Agreement to Arbitrate allows litigation in court, Dutch law will still apply. You explicitly give your consent to and agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of a court situated in the Netherlands.


  1. Should any court or relevant authority deem any clauses unlawful, the remaining clauses will retain their full force and effect.

  2. No rights under this contract are granted to anyone else. This agreement is solely between you and us, and no other individual shall possess the rights to enforce any of its terms.